[24/04/23] Magda Puig will be the new resident artist at Teatre Lliure.
31/8/21 Comme spectateurs et spectatrices, on se fait regarder par les passants, on est un groupe un peu bizarre, on marche comme des zombies en suivant le guide avec nos écouteurs, a-t-elle expliqué lundi à Tout un matin.
27/6/2021 "The good reception of Vilart festival shows that it is necessary to promote quality culture in rural areas", said the scenic and visual creator Magda Puig, promoter of the initiative.
21/8/2021 Le projet imaginé par la comédienne catalane Magda Puig Torres, en réponse à la crise économique en Espagne, fut d’abord créé au Festival TNT, à Barcelone, en 2016.
28/82021 Fidèle à sa volonté de proposer des productions qui font appel à la participation des citoyen·nes, Espace Libre nous présente la version montréalaise de Plácido-Mo, en collaboration avec Magda Puig Torres et en partenariat avec L'Itinéraire.
28/8/2021 Cette proposition artistique a la double qualité de nous faire vivre une relation intime avec les arts vivants (chaque spectateur est dans sa bulle) et de nous ouvrir les yeux sur une réalité sociale dérangeante.
26/8/2021 Le public du théâtre Espace Libre est convié à une visite de quartier bien particulière. Jusqu’au 5 septembre, Plácido-Mo, un spectacle déambulatoire, propose de découvrir Centre-Sud guidé par des gens qui ont vécu dans ses rues.
24/8/21 Sixième spectacle de quartier d’Espace Libre, une série d’œuvres théâtrales professionnelles qui fait appel à la participation de citoyens du quartier centre-sud de Montréal.
10/5/21 Interview in Molt Personal show from Canal Taronja to talk to the actress Magda Puig Torres.
that recovers testimonies of the survivors of the sexual violence of the Balkan War, and their sons and daughters, who now help to recover the memory of everything that happened.
4/3/21 Interview Parlem del Canal Taronja for the Cultura i Conflicte project and the play that will be done in the Kursaal Theatre.
17/12/20 "The game we propose is to create a state of alertness in the viewer's gaze in which anything can be part of the piece. We have made an itinerary, but we don't know what the public sees."
Plácido Mo, the itinerary show programmed by the Teatre Lliure and with the collaboration of the Arrels Foundation, proposes an immersive journey through the reality of homeless people. The title of the show, directed by Magda Puig Torres, is a pseudo
16/12/20 Faust i jo, a creation for Clàssics per a Criatures by Teatre Lliure, dramaturgy by Anna Maria Ricart, voice by Queralt Casasayas, animation by Andreu Martínez and the visual world by Magda Puig Torres.
4/10/2016 "An immersive walking tour through the post-industrial alleyways and municipal squares of Terrassa (Placido Mo by Magda Puig) takes a twist and turn as you realise you are suddenly exploring the dispossessed street people and subcultures of the town". Adrian Berry
17/11/2020 The report focuses its gazw on the project of Cultura i Conflicte organization " There is still someone in the woods", which consists of a documentary, a play and a photographic installation. The protagonists are women who were raped in the Balkan war, which was officially ended 25 years ago.
28/11/2020 "There is still someone in the woods" premieres at the Festival Temporada Alta with the stories of the women raped during the Bosnian War and the children born from these rapes.
12/16/2019 The actress Magda Puig publishes in a book individual and collective struggles of people (especially women) from all over the world. Dia a dia, it is an illustrated project where the artist was drawing every day during a year, all these stru
15/5/2020 The creatrice and actress Magda Puig has been the responsible for the En Residencia program at Joan Fuster Institu in Barcelona, as a guest artist by Teatre Lliure. One part of the work has been that the students represent the life of their grandparents or grandmothers, throgh their memories and objects.